Sunday, August 17, 2014

Peacock's Flats Survival Camp 2014

Mr. Jake and I would like to thank all who participated in our last survival camp for 2014.
Mr. Kevin & Mr. Pavel for helping assist with our scouts.
Gavin V, Mathew K, Jeff P, Jonathan S, Kamren I, Nicholas S, Remi E, Brant Y, Daylen M. & Jensen M.
who survived the 4 mile hike up 1500 ft to Peacock Flats than another 2 miles on Mokuleia trail. Total of 12 miles in 2 days.
Sandra Y, Verzon's and Sivalop's for providing transportation to and from Mokuleia.
It all started bright and early Saturday morning many of us were up 4:00 am. preparing for this event. Fun all started at 6:15 when we left from Kahikuonalani Church and were heading out on the trail by 7:15. 
Our scouts made it to camp site at a record time 1.5 hrs with Jensen leading the way at the final stretch up a dirt hill. Way to go scouts!!!
Our 10 scouts quickly reserved their camp site among pine trees and displayed their scouting skills lashing trees setting-up shelters with tarps and hammock. Many of the older scouts decided to brave the weather by sleeping under the stars on make shift bed made of branches, twigs and leaves. 
Mr. Jake taught our scouts search and rescue skills using mirror and markings on a open grass field, while Mr. Kevin taught his fire starting skills. We later had a chance to make purified water or (droplets of water) Ha Ha! using fire, sticks to make a tripod, rope and pot. Thanks to Brant Y. using his pot. Tell mom (Sandy) sorry we kinda burnt his pot. Nothing serious, a little scrubbing with steel wool would help to remove the varnish. 
At least we learned maybe this is not the best way to make water to survive.
Mr. Jake and Mr. Pavel later took our scouts up the mountain (Mokuleia trail). Mr Kevin stayed back and got nabbed on the way back entertaining his new friend joining him on his sleeping mat. (See our web site for pictures) Thank You!! Mr. Pavel for providing great pictures.
Wow! what a fun filled, action pack weekend. You had to be there to enjoy and experience the fellowship & great out doors. Cool (cold) clean air, awesome views, quiet, darkness of the night, cloudless skies, numerous stars was out and not to mention the satellite crossing the sky.
It was such a fun filled day even Mr. Kevin got into the action sliding down the hill pulled by a few scouts. (check out the attachment to experience the fun)
Working, talking stories and getting closer knowing our scouts (priceless) Thanks Scouts.
Sorry it had to end. 
But on that note it ended with malasadas, donuts and buns provided by Sandra Y. and Vernon V. Many Mahalo from our scouts and adults.
Great job everyone hang on to the memories and we'll do it again. 
Mr. Jake and Mr. Dave

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